What is this?

A personal exploration into monetizing the creative act of evolution into self. Creating a sacred liminal place in which life as an artist exists.

I make art because words aren’t enough to emote transcending beyond this plane of existence, communicating with our true essence and bring it back in the form of beauty.  

*******transending  time and space to bring this beauty into the  world******

9/17/24 No.29 -  Where is my mind?  


As an artist

We spend days in solitude 

Fighting the ego 

Creating unseen world in our minds 

In search of an original thought 

A conversation over time 

Lost in translation 

Twisted contortions 

Finding solace between the lines

9/17/24 No.28 -  What world you livin in?  


Lighting strikes

Fire burned

Turn to ash

Grass grows

Garden blooms

Then dies all over again



Budding trees

Humming in unison

Unseen cities

Human seems to have forgotten we live in

9/17/24 No.27 -  Cosmic Clown 


The most serious

Unserious person you'll ever meet

Caring too much

But also not at all

Walking on a tightrope

Trying not to fall

Only to fall

And be caught by  


9/17/24 No.26 -  You built the cage   



Putting ourselves in stables

Battling to define

The ephemeral

Constantly in motion

A puppet master

Overly invested



Rattled about

Floating on egg drops

Swallowed by a cyclone

Perfect princess

Prancing around


9/17/24 No.25 -  Give a fuck   


Complacency or contentment

What is the lesser of evil

Okay with giving up

Content with what was given

Not needing to over complicate

Complacent with a dead end job

Hating from the moment you stepped on

Being happy with what you got

No longer growing

In that tiny pot

9/17/24 No.24 -  Changing Seasons    



Drop in petals 

Skin deep 

Counting the clouds 

As lessons pass by 

Unseen direction 

Skipping rocks 

Cascading down dunes 

Untethered Rebel  


3/12/24 No.23 -  Free Tinkerbell   



Dew drops


Plump lips

Warm jam

Swaying branch  

Tinkerbell escaped while catching dandelion seeds


2/20/24 No.23 - Night workers 

Morning sun kisses my face

Instant comfort

Stars fall into the sea

dancing all day


Night shift

Sprinkling stardust

Floating through the cosmos

2/20/24 No.22 -  LOOK UP  

Using words to paint

A moment in time

Cultivating magic

My thoughts swirl

Spiraling upward

Coming back to the same point

Only with deeper understanding  

Can't go backwards or forwards

Only be here no